Happy New Year!

Did you find freeCodeCamp because your New Year's resolution is to learn to code? FreeCodeCamp San Francisco is excited to welcome you! We're a group of self-taught coders who are helping each other along the way and we're glad you're joining us. Due to Covid-19 all of our meet ups are currently online and much of our conversations happen on Slack, so it's the perfect time to join us no matter where you are. This page is a guide with a our favorite resources and advice to get you started on your journey. Coding can be tough, but it's easier when you have a community.

You can find many guides online on how to get started and how to structure your learning journey and it can quickly get overwhelming. Our go to advice is to start with the first certificate of the freeCodeCamp curriculum, responsive web development where you will learn the basics of HTML and CSS to build your first webpage. It's a great introduction to web development. You can also browse our FAQ section to get answers to some questions you might have. We're also working on goal specific learning tracks so check back with us soon!

We also recommend that you involve yourself in a social coding community like freeCodeCamp San Francisco. You will be surprised how much you learn by hearing people at other experience levels talk about coding and you'll also have the chance to ask questions about something you get stuck on. Learning to teach yourself to code can be a lonely experience but it doesn't have to be. Most of our group members have been exactly where you are now so we compiled a list of the resources that we have personally used and recommend the most often. These resources focus primarily on full stack web development since that is what most of us have studied. We hope these resources help you on your journey as well.

We'll be adding more, so check back soon! We hope to see you at a meet up soon and are wishing you a Happy New Year!